Sunday, December 29, 2013

Calvin and Hobbes

One of Henry's Christmas gifts was the Calvin and Hobbes compilation "Scientific Progress Goes Boink."

I adored reading this comic strip in the newspaper when I was a kid and I thought Henry might now be old enough to appreciate it.

Henry reminds me a bit of Calvin -- he also has a stuffed tiger (named Tiger, but spelled Tigier) and creates things like time machines out of scraps of cardboard.

Tonight he finally picked up the book -- and ended up begging for more time before bed so he could keep reading.


Friday, December 27, 2013

Pillow Talk

Tonight as he was falling asleep Silas threw an arm over me and said, "You're a good friend, Mom."


Monday, December 9, 2013

When I Get Scared

Tonight as I turned off Silas' bedroom light and laid next to him he said, "When I get scared I close my eyes, and think."

"What do you think about?"

He touched his hand to my chest and said, "I think about you."

Sunday, December 1, 2013

My Heart, It Melts

Last night as I was lying down with Silas I said, "I love you so much, Silas." He put his arm on mine and said, "My wuz you so much too, Mom."

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Trick-or-Treat 2013

This year, like last year, Henry pushed me to my absolute limit in helping him come up with his Halloween costume. He has very strong opinions but isn't always able to articulate exactly what he wants. Or if he is, what he wants doesn't appear to exist anywhere but in his brain.

First he said he wanted to be an alien bunny, which I thought was a cute idea. But he didn't like any of the alien masks we saw, and the bunny costumes we found were either for toddlers or too expensive.

After much gnashing of teeth and wringing of hands (on my part), Henry decided it would be okay to be a superhero bunny. We already had some ears from a long-ago Easter and we found a superhero costume on Etsy to go with it. The superhero items were really for a much smaller child, but ultimately I was able to make it work.

I dug a GAP hoodie out of our bin of hand-me-down clothes, turned it inside out, added pillow fluff for a tail and sewed a star on the front to mimic the star on the cape. And...I think it turned out great.

This kid. He pushes me and pushes me, and I dig my heels in and kick and scream the whole way, but ultimately we come out the other side with something pretty good.

As for Silas, he wore the same costume as last year, the same costume Henry wore when he was little. A cute, snuggly, bear costume I had purchased already made. It's so much easier when I can tell the kid, "Look! You're going to be a bear!" and he's excited and BAM! Done.

I mean, look at the cuteness.

Funny story -- Silas wanted to wear his bear costume to Henry's school costume parade. We stood and waited for Henry's class to come out, and finally, as Henry walked past, Silas darted away from me toward him. Henry turned and said, "My sidekick!" So, so cute.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Right Now

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Monday, May 13, 2013

Tired Bubby

He fell asleep in the stroller after taking Henry to school.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


ME (after asking twice that Henry stop doing something annoying): If you don't stop right now, there will be consequences.

(Henry stops doing The Annoying Thing. Long pause.)

HENRY: Mom, I'm just wondering...what kind of consequences?

ME: It shouldn't matter what the consequences are, just that you kept doing something even after I asked you to stop.

HENRY: Okay, but I was thinking maybe I could be sent to my room.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Diggin' in the Dirt

It may finally be spring!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Conspiracy Theory

HENRY: Hi, Awesome Mom. I think the government is covering up how awesome you are.

Friday, April 5, 2013

No Privacy

The other morning as I was getting dressed, Silas begged to nurse: "Miss-owwww. Miss-owwww." (I *think* that word comes from my asking, "Do you want to nurse at all?" but really, who knows with toddlers?)

When I took off my shirt, he pointed to my breasts and chirped, "Mom miss-ow right dere!"

He just looked so darn pleased that I had to laugh. Funny little human.

Under Where?

HENRY (yelling from the bathroom): Hey, I'm wearing two pairs of underwear!

I guess my instructions to "put on fresh underwear" weren't specific enough.

Monday, April 1, 2013

O Canada

HENRY: I'm building an army of robots to take over the world. The first robot is going in that big empty space above the United States.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

What a Relief

I was reading one of The Boxcar Children books to Henry last night when I came to a page with an illustration. I showed him and he said, "Good, I don't have to use my mind."

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Report Card

Why am I not surprised that on Henry's report card his art teacher wrote, "Henry has difficulties taking suggestions from me. Henry has a strong opinion which has shown to be beneficial to some of his art work."

Henry? Strong opinions? Noooo...

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

There's No Rushing the H-Man

Henry took FOREVER in the bathroom this morning. When I got home from dropping him off at school, I found this:

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Ha! Silas is so my kid.

As everyone was leaving music class this morning, the little boy ahead of us stepped outside and told his mama, "I want to play in the snow!"

Silas took one step outside and said, "Yuck."

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Paw-peent*!

"We are lookin' for Blue's clues, we are lookin' for Blue's clues..."

How Silas says "pawprint." Adorable.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Breakfast of Champions

ME: What's Dad making for breakfast?

HENRY: Hash browns. Hashy browns. Hashy brownies. Hash brownies. He's making hash brownies for breakfast!

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Henry climbed into bed with me this morning & mentioned that his feet were freezing.

ME: Why don't you go put on your socks and slippers?

HENRY: Nah. Love's warmer.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Let's Not Get Carried Away

ME: Henry, could you please get me the medicine on my dresser?

HENRY: Sure, I'll do anything for you. Well, almost anything. I'll do a lot.

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Silas likes to put on Daddy's hats. Sometimes he wears them all at one time.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Passing the Cactus

Henry made up a new idiom tonight. We were being silly and talking in circles when he said, "I believe we've already passed this cactus."

I think it could catch on.

Friday, January 18, 2013

It's the Little Things

My husband took Silas with him to school pick-up this afternoon while I was at a doctor's appointment.

I felt very much appreciated when they got home and he said, "You do NOT do that every day."

Why, yes. Yes I do.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


ME: I'm going to lie down on the couch and take a nap.

HENRY (sadly): I wish you could.

Distracted Much

Henry was taking forever getting dressed this morning, so my husband shouted, "Henry, what's taking so long?"

Henry shouted back, "I don't know what's taking so long! Probably this Lego book!"

Monday, January 14, 2013

Friday, January 4, 2013


Silas, still asleep at 5:30pm. This does not bode well for bedtime.