I did two cycles of birth control pills and then about thirteen days of various injections, sometimes three a night. My egg retrieval was on Thursday, March 4th and eleven eggs were retrieved. Of those, seven were mature and only three successfully fertilized.
On Sunday March 7th the embryologist called with an update. All three embryos were eight-celled (which is exactly what they want -- at least five but eight is the best) and grade A. She said they looked beautiful. She took a cell from each one and shipped them off to a gene testing facility in California. We would not find out if any of the embryos passed the genetic testing until the morning of the embryo transfer.
On Tuesday, March 9th we returned to the clinic for the transfer and were told that one of the embryos had a chromosomal defect rendering it incompatible with life. A second embryo would result in a baby, but one with severe physical and mental disabilities. (Curious, I pressed our doctor for more information, but he just insisted it would not be something we'd want.)
This left us with one chromosomally normal embryo, which the doctor and embryologist assured us was perfect-looking and "just waiting for a uterus to attach itself to." Here's a photo of what it looked under the microscope minutes before it was transferred to my uterus:

This shows the embryo in the blastocyst stage as it's hatching and preparing for implantation. It's developing into two distinct groups of cells -- one cell mass becomes the placenta, while the other becomes the fetus.
Infertility clinics always tell their patients to wait for the blood test to find out if they're pregnant instead of doing any home pregnancy tests because the HcG "trigger shot" (given just prior to the egg retrieval) can stay in the woman's system for long enough to render a false positive on a pee stick. Also, a home pregnancy test is not as sensitive as a blood test and may show up as negative even when the woman is actually pregnant.
I'm much too impatient to sit around and wait ten days for a blood test, so I tested at the end of the first week and found a faint positive line, which I assumed was the HcG from the injection. Two days later, I tested again and the test was negative. Two days after that the test was faintly positive, and the few times I tested after that the positive line was dark. So by the time I went in for my blood test on Friday, March 19th, I was thrilled but not surprised to learn that I was pregnant.
I was surprised to learn that I was considered to be four weeks along, though, even though the embryo was only fifteen days old. Gestation is figured using the date of the mother's last menstrual period, a fact that somehow escaped me despite a previous pregnancy.
The final official appointment at our clinic was a vaginal ultrasound. I'm not sure exactly why this is done, though I suspect that because more than one embryo is often transferred the clinic wants to see just how many babies are developing. So on Thursday, April 9th, when I was seven weeks along, we got to see this:

Yes, it just looks like a blob. What the photo doesn't show is the tiny little heart beating away inside that blob. It was good to get that confirmation. I was really pregnant!
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