We had a wonderful Fourth of July with Henry this year. He'd been to the parade our community puts on every year since we moved here, but he had yet to see any fireworks. He was always very sensitive to loud noises and that coupled with the late hour made us decide to wait. But this year he just seemed that much more mature and ready, and he was very excited about it.
As we sat on the blanket in the park, waiting for the fireworks to begin, though, Henry started to droop. He was laying on the ground, laying on me, saying, "I don't want to be here anymore. I want to be home."
It was pretty pathetic, but I knew that once the fireworks started he would perk right up. And sure enough, at the first explosion he sat straight up with the biggest grin on his face.
"Spaghetti in the sky!" he said.
And then: "The sky is even more fun than normal!"
He wore his sound-dampening headphones but kept lifting up the edges of them to get a sense of just how loud the explosions really were. The friends sitting around us all asked Henry if he liked his first fireworks and he was enthusiastic in his response.
I spent the next few days rationing candy from Henry's parade stash. This morning I allowed him to pick out two pieces of candy and as he carried them to the table he said, "Just HOLDING them makes me happy."
All in all, it was a successful holiday weekend.
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