I mean, look at that face! He is just a little ball of sunshine. So happy most of the time. But he's also developing a feisty side. Now when we put him on the changing table he yells and cries. It used to be his happy place, but no longer. He's also not too happy about going in his carseat or even sometimes his stroller. I think now that he's so mobile he either wants to be on the move or in our arms.
He can now just reach the piano keys, if he raises his hands up over his head. He has always loved the piano; when my husband sits down to play, Silas will immediately crawl over to him and whine until he's lifted up onto Daddy's lap where he can bang on the keys. But now, he's cut out the middle man.
Still no words, though he does say "mamamamama" and will repeat it if I ask him to say it. Still not walking, but lots of creeping along the furniture.
He sits and plays by himself more than I remember Henry doing. He likes to flip through the pages of his board books on his own, though he never sits still long enough for me to read him one.
He's devious like Henry, though; when he puts something in his mouth that he shouldn't (carpet fuzz is a particular favorite) and sees us coming, he clamps his mouth shut tight and tries to crawl away.
He still nurses almost exclusively. He hasn't seemed super interested in food, and with everything we've been through with Henry I'll admit I'm a bit worried about him developing allergies. He has eaten (and enjoyed) liver sausage, though. That made for an interesting smelling poopy diaper.
He has this way of looking at us very intently. Sometimes when we're holding him he will back his head away and look at us full in the face. Then we smile, he smiles back, and his whole face lights up. Such a sweet, sweet boy.
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